Reframing Resilience: A Picture-Perfect Change

Reframing Resilience: A Picture-Perfect Change

History is a testament to the many challenges and adversities that have been orchestrated and thrust upon the black community — from colonialism to slavery, from tribalism to the deep-seated psychological impacts of colonization and decolonization. Economic impoverishment not due to lack of resources, but rather continued imperial reach of foreigners who bear little to no regard for the continent or its people. Unpatriotic leadership borne from a failed system.

Yet, it’s important to clarify that this is not an appeal for sympathy. Instead, it is a call to attention, a reminder that although we have been casualties of circumstances beyond our control, how we choose to react remains within our grasp.

To illustrate this, I’ll share a recent realisation I had when thinking about the first invented camera. The camera, like today’s society, is not designed with us in mind. For we are only recognised at certain light angles, much like how society has historically struggled (and refused) to recognise the humanity of black individuals. Constantly being misidentified by facial recognition software, an embodiment of how the world often perceives us. So, it falls on us to search for the right angles, the perfect conditions, to be seen.

For how long will we continue to resort to these workarounds?

Yes, it’s only a camera, but it is this way of thinking that encourages us to change our circumstances, rather than continuously adapting to a society that wasn’t built to accommodate us. A reminder that we have the power to not only imagine but determine the conditions we deserve.

So, we must ask ourselves whether we are ready to collectively work towards creating spaces that don’t require us to fit into a mould designed without us in consideration.


or to participate.